✅ PROBLEM SOLVED: Consistently Convert Leads into Clients using Email Soft-Selling Techniques
 Step by Step * 4 Hour Training 

*ALL NEW* Email Soft Selling Workshop 

WHAT and HOW to Write Emails that Sell Without Feeling Salesy
 Using AI tools to make it faster and easier
You must be seen in order to be heard...and that means you need to be consistent with nurturing your leads and emailing your list.

You’re going to be able to find more clients in less time… WITHOUT spending money on ads. And all you need to do is show up, be you, and hit send.   But that doesn't mean you have to spend HOURS staring at a blank screen wondering what to write. 

Want to know my secret formula so that you can shave HOURS off writing your emails?

EARLY BIRD FOR A Limited Time Only.
This PROGRAM WILL be $497 (or higher) WHEN RELEASED

"You will become addicted to emailing your list (and selling) using my 
3-step process and save HOURS each week!
AND NOW you can use ChatGPT...freeing up even more time!
Jennifer Dunham
Founder Of Time, Money & Happiness Matters

Use Email Soft-Selling to know exactly what to say to turn leads into clients!  
In this training, you're going to:

  • Using ChatGPT, you will create compelling and powerful emails that engage and convert into clients.
  • Eliminate the top 3 excuses from emailing your list and instead look forward to writing your next email.
  • Follow a step-by-step email format. I’ll guide you throughout with instructions and worksheets.
  • ​Continue to bring in new clients on autopilot when you schedule your emails, using your tool of choice.
  • Drive engagement and improve readability with Jennifer's 5 email structure tips. 
  • Improve open rates and conversion by utilizing these 7 parts of an email to have greater impact.
  • and so much more....learn at your own pace with replay access!
AT YOUR OWN PACE  *  Worksheets  *  Lifetime Process!
Write Easy Emails that Sell


Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 8am PST/ 11am EST

Stop staring at the screen (or procrastinating with folding laundry) and instead...
Look forward to (dare I say love) sending emails when you have an easy 
step by step process to follow. 

EARLY BIRD FOR A Limited Time Only


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Do the Work
Take Action with your worksheets sent straight to your Inbox...
Mark It As Done
Start using this new process immediately...and when the time is right, pass this off to your team...

Hitting send never felt so easy! 

What Others are Saying...

Even though I’m a Launch Strategist for other entrepreneurs, I can get very stuck in my head when it comes to producing my own content. 

Jen has been such a great support and resource to help me brainstorm and breakdown all the ideas in my head into valuable topics and create the hooks needed to draw people into my content.

Her experience and her systematic processes that she teaches for emails and social media is a unique and simple approach.

Dee Reller
Launch Strategist & Coach
Sharing valuable content through email with my list is SOOO important, but I didn't always do it consistently because writing is a labor of love -- and laborious it was! It took hours to figure out how to make email content relevant to the business and personalized at the same time. I knew I could have better open rates and better conversion if I just had a system in place for generating emails easily. 

Jennifer's approach to nurturing your community through email is simple and powerful. She has a way of bringing out exactly who I am, my personality, and my interests and sharing it in such a way that I could serve up valuable content and create interest for my promotions at the same time. Now I'm getting better open rates and more online sales! The best part is that I have a formula now to use. I know exactly how to write my emails and can easily (and consistently) nurture my community of incredible entrepreneurs. 

Jennifer Diepstraten
CEO & Founder High Ticket Sales Success
Jennifer's Email Soft Selling process is a mind blowing system!
Over the last 23 years in my multiple businesses, I’ve not emailed my list consistently at all. Pretty embarrassing! I’ve been stuck in confusion and did not understand how to do it. I didn’t understand what to say, how to say it, and how to structure my emails.

Not any more! She walked me through her system and formula and I’m no longer a deer in headlights, and I know exactly what to do now, and am excited to get to work!

Her system is simple, is genius and is what any business owner needs! You’re missing out if you don’t learn this from this woman!

Epiphany Shaw
Love & Trauma Expert

About Your Workshop Host - Jennifer Dunham

Jennifer is on a mission to help driven professionals change their overwhelming and unfulfilling careers and lives. She believes that “you can have it all!” She teaches you how to find more time, create more money, increase your happiness so that you can create a life and career you love right now.

Jennifer’s approach is rooted in her Information Technology background.   She actually studied Artificial Intelligence (AI) in grad school for her Computer Science degree.  She’s a huge believer in automation, habits, repeatable processes, and streamlining time to reduce overwhelm so you can focus on what matters most. 

As a certified Tiny Habits coach, and a certified Cash Injection Specialist, Jennifer guides her clients to work less and make more . As a time, money, and happiness expert, Jennifer has developed her Profitable Lifestyle Formula™ as a result of running multi-businesses over the last 15 years.  
(C) 2024 Time, Money & Happiness Matters.  All Sales are Final.